Ladies of Harley

What is "Ladies of Harley"?

Ladies of Harley (LOH) is the group of female Harley-Davidson® enthusiasts promoting activities and adventures from within a local chapter. The members of LOH run their own meetings and sponsor activities that both ladies and men can participate in. Some of us are women who ride our own bikes and some prefer to be a passenger. LOH is a program sponsored by the Harley Owners Group® (H.O.G.) to support women motorcycle enthusiasts (both drivers and passengers).

Who is LOH? 

LOH is any lady that belongs to HOG and has a full, lifetime or associate membership and wishes to participate in the female forum. The members can be either driver or passenger as long as they are willing to participate a little or a lot. Remember you don’t have to have your own bike to be a LOH member.

How to join LOH?

There is no cost to join Ladies of Harley. When applying for National H.O.G. membership, a woman simply checks the box entitled LOH. Membership is free to all Life, Full and Associate Members. It is not automatic, however, so be sure to request LOH membership when joining National H.O.G.

Ladies of Harley members receive a special embroidered patch and pin during the first year of membership. Renewal members receive a LOH pin indicating the year of membership.

LOH members are eligible to participate in the LOH Motorcycling Memories contest. For more information, see your H.O.G. membership manual and the H.O.G. web site.

The Dragon Chapter holds LOH meetings on the second Tuesday of every month, at the SHED, in Maryville. Meetings begin at 6:30PM. Exceptions occur so see the Event Calendar for changes.

For more information contact
Ladies of Harley Officer
Nina Eder

Chapter Merchandise and name tags are now available at our Chapter Meetings, the fourth Thursday of each month at 7pm.